jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

Man on the edge

A man on the edge of the death a cause of his problems.
Firstly, he had a job, and he spent a lot of time working. When he arrives to his house with his wife after working, they always argued hardly. This was repeated on day after day. This is a big problem in a couple´s life because little by little the love disappear. The same as, unfortunately, he lost his job. Two major problems: he lost his wife and his job, his life don´t have any sense for him. He has lost the most important in his life. For this, he decides to go to an Hotel, and throw his life away. Suddenly, when a man came on his room, he saw that anybody was inside and moreover the window of the room was open. The man started to suspect and asked for helping. A jumper, a jumper! started to say. The man, who wanted to jump, was about to throw. He thought that throw is the best way to resolve his problems, but he is wrong. It´s true that many times the problems beyond us, and we think that the life don´t have sense. Although there are a lot of ways for solving our problems, for example speak with yout friends, family, even professional people that can help you to solve your problems with other solutions.
The life is too much beautiful for wasting with nonsenses. The problems only are a road full of stones that all people must overcome as best as posible.

martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

Comparison / contrast organisation

The vocalist Johny Rotten is very different to the violoncellist Rostropovich. The both are completely diferent types of music. The first is totaly rock and punk music, madness, hard music, black colours.  The second is classic music, that transmit relax, emotions. Johny Rotten is the vocalist of the Sex Pistols a young group of rock and punk music of London. This group is composed by: the guitarist Steve Jones, the bass guitar Glen Matlock, the drummer Paul Cook and Johny Rotten. Their songs have a strong contents of satirical lyrics. In contrast, the Russian violoncellist Mstislav Leopóldovich Rostropóvich has got other style of music. He hasn´t got a group, because he plays the violoncello. He had among fifty or sixty years when he played. Although Johny Rotten and Rostropovich are completly different, but they have got some in common: the music. However, they transmit different emotions to the people that hear their music.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

Love history...

Four years full of love, experiences, madness, some tears, but a lot of smiles. She didn´t know how a stranger person can become so important for her. She was fourteen years, really young girl, but the love comes when you least expect. At first, she felt butterflies in her stomach each time that she saw him. One year, two years with him, they had full confidence among them. Almost all days they went out for being together. The exact word isn´t routine, I hate this word. For her, spend time with him was fantastic, she needed has got him near to tell him all things that she had gone during the day. But one day, he told her that he had to go to Germany during three years, she was quiet. She knew that the distance would be difficult, but she told him that whatever happens expected.  It´s very hard, although nowadays there are a lot of technologies, but she needs touch, kiss, hug, caress, have him very near… Now, he is in Germany since July, he will come at Christmas… but I´m sure that if he is the ideal person for her, they will be together always, despite the distance.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015


Opinion paragraph - mobile phones

Nowadays, the mobile phones are a vice for the actual generation. Being with your friends or your family speaking by the mobile don´t be unusual, it´s very normal, because having WhatsApp, who need to speak face to face? It´s ridiculous. The mobile phone is a part of our body, with him we go to any place, even to a bath. This is the problem, for example being in the class with the WhatsApp and then said: “Oh, what the teacher said?”  is very common among the young people, or even cross a street looking the mobile. The people must be conscious of a vice that we have with the mobile phones.

The mobile phones have a lot of advantages too, because with them you can call, send sms, WhatsApp, search on the Internet a lot of things… Even, you can talk with people wherever you are, in the moment that you want. The computers have lost importance because a mobile phone has all applications that we need, even is more small and you can put it in any site.

Finally, I hope that the next generation is more aware, although it´s very difficult because the new technologies improve day a day.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015

Free post

8. There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are. ― W. Somerset Maugham

William Somerset Maugham was a Britain writer, author of novels, essays, short stories and plays. He was considered the most popular and highest paid writer in the world. During sixty years, he wrote most of one hundred stories and twenty-one novels, furthermore many theatrical pieces, biographys, trips books and essays.

I imagine that write a novel is difficult, planning, writing and revision. I don´t like writing anything, because I don´t have imagination, but now I have to write things in my blog. William, who was a famous novel writer, said that no one knows what rules are necessaries for writing a novel, for this I think that anyone writer of novels have a talent. 


domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015


“Carpe diem” because one second can change our life. It´s difficult, but in any moment the death can knock to the door. It´s important that we make the most of every second doing all things that make us happy. Let your hair down, be happy, do you madness, enjoy, travel, run, fly, don´t stop.  That nobody can say: I´m regretful for don´t doing that I really like… but, you´re on time for changing. I know that sometimes it´s very difficult to know if you´re making the best decision or not, but I think that we always must guide us by the heart. Don´t let you that the time pass, each second is essential.


A beautiful beach of wherever part of the world. Probably, the weather is cold. It´s too windy, for this, there are a lot of waves.
The water splash the rocks, although it doesn´t seem rocks, these seem wood. It´s dawn and the sound of the waves must be strong. I would like to be there, because I prefer to be on the beach, it´s clear for me that I hate the mountains.
The waves bring closer to the seashore. This place make me feel relax and peaceful without so much waves.